The documentation begins

I have wanted to start a blog about all that has been going on, but to be honest, I’ve been too busy reading books, discussing in online forums, going to Church, and living life. I do have a lot of collected “good stuff” about my own questions, and struggles, and especially the wonderful answers others have given me along the way, and I may add them in.


I’m still a catechumen, and have been one “officially” for only a few weeks now, but Father decided to include my “inquirer” phase and we’re actually going to talk about dates for Chrismation in a couple more months.


And I’ve wanted to do this blog for a while, but it’s not like I feel I have great insights into Orthodoxy to add. There are lots of wonderful sites out there for that! (And  a few not to wonderful – be careful!) I’ll link to some of the good ones as I can get them added. I need a place to gather resources for myself anyway. But lest I appear as a “hyperdox Herman” I want to be sure to say that I don’t have great insights to add. I only wish to document for my own self, and will probably keep this as a diary of sorts, and include some of the incredibly helpful things others have been kind enough to share with me.


If you don’t know what “Hyperdox Herman” is, visit for some amusing – and sometimes not so amusing – results!

hyperdox herman